Sunday, September 11, 2011

9.11 - Ten Years On

9.11 - a number that's etched on the minds of the world ever since that fateful and horrific attack on the World Trade Center in New York. For those who were there to witness it, nothing can heal the pain; for those who saw it only through the news and media, it wasn't any easier.

Ten years, a decade has gone by - not a short time - but the memories are just as fresh in every one's mind. Today marks the tenth anniversary, of what began as America's War on Terror. The war may not be over, but there have been significant steps forward, and maybe,the world is a slightly more safer place today.

On this occasion, the news and media is flooded with articles and stories of that fateful day and it's heartening to today see ground zero resurrected. Here's a tribute to this occasion:

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