Sunday, December 20, 2015

Android App Performance Report (2015)

You're probably using your mobile device almost all the time. However, even if you aren't, you're not averse to the battery drain that occurs. (Oh, how we miss those old days of super battery life, candy bar phones!).

AVG has just released their 2015 report of the apps that drain your battery the most. Some work to keep these 'muted' might help you stretch that juice for when you most need it!

Check out the infographic below, or read the techpost about it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Did You Know about Android Easter Eggs?

Android is more than just the most popular operating system for the millions of smartphones on the planet. It is powering smart devices from glasses to watches. And, it's always been a source of "fun" for the developers and geeks out there!

Well, while there's a good chance you're using Android already, you may not have known about the Easter Eggs hidden into the Android OS. Well, check out this, if you want to know what these are!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Horrendous Traffic Jam (China)

We've all heard of bad traffic and most would've experienced one at some point of time. But, nothing will beat this one - a massive, 50-lane traffic jam is a nightmare, by any standards!!

Read about this here.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

[Infographic] Android's Delicious Versions

Android, that cute little droid, that greets over half the world's phones today has grown by leaps and bounds. But, sometimes, it gets hard to recollect which version is which.

This smart infographic makes this delicious journey as simple as ABC to recall.

Infographic - Android Versions

Monday, March 16, 2015

Travel Inside a Black Hole

Space, Time, Stars, Galaxies, the Universe... all have fascinated us at some point in time, and this begins right in our childhood. The recent movie Interstellar - a spectacular one - brought the intrigue of these dimensions well to enthrall thousands.

In keeping with the theme for that, surely one has wondered what it might be like to travel into a black hole. Well, thanks to the movie, and the folks at, here's a short lesson. Enjoy the journey!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

[TED] Beverly + Dereck Joubert: Life lessons from big cats

"Beverly + Dereck Joubert live in the bush, filming and photographing lions and leopards in their natural habitat. With stunning footage (some never before seen), they discuss their personal relationships with these majestic animals — and their quest to save the big cats from human threats."

The footage is stunning, and is the result of years of being out there. It's definitely anyone who cares for nature must watch.

(Source: TED)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

How optical illusions trick your brain

Optical illusions (like the one alongside) are cleverly made images that trick our minds into seeing something completely different from what it is.

How, or why does this happen? If you're curious, check out this short and informative video from TED-ed.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

[TED] Learning Chinese Easily (Basics)

Chinese (and other close oriental cultures) have rich fascinating history and culture. But, what's also very interesting is their language - the written character, that is. 

Well, probably by some others, it is fascinating to understand and figure out how to read and make sense of these creative and artistically crafted symbols.

A short, lovely glimpse into this by TED speaker ShaoLan Hsueh provides a wonderful 'insight' into this in this short talk.

(Source: TED)

Friday, January 2, 2015

[Infographic] The Internet is affecting kids

Although the global penetration of Internet on the entire planet still leaves a lot to accomplish, and Facebook and Google are making strides in that direction, this technological phenomenon is engulfing hundreds every moment of the day today.

From newborns/toddlers to adults, the Internet has and is becoming a way of life, a way to live. While there's many parts to the whole picture and it may be argued either ways, whether the majority are using it productively enough, one fact that cannot be discounted is that it has a bearing on our minds, and our thinking. And what more significance than how the future generation of youngsters will face the world.

However, while social scientists are analyzing the effects and impacts of such things on the populace, a potentially concerning truth is beginning to emerge about these aspects. The infographic below illustrates this and is worth drawing caution to the same. We may still have time to take preventive and/or corrective measures to prevent long-term effects. Let's not forget what will make humans humans.

(Click to enlarge)