Sunday, October 16, 2011

Is This How You'll Live - The Future of Life with Mobiles

Sure, mobiles have changed lives on our planet faster than any other technology can claim. And, with smartphones the new rage, it's competition time between Apple's iPhone, Google's Android, Blcakberry, et al. And, other mobile devices like the Apple iPad or Samsung Tablet are adding to the excitement of living, working, doing everything possible (ever?) on the go!

Well, with the explosion of all these devices,and not to mention the "apps" available by the thousands for these, one would wonder, what exactly does this mean, or where is this leading to. Well, here's a compilation of stuff that one may do - i.e. life in 24 hours - with your smartphone (ok, may be the next generation of this, called, possibly, the MEGAPhone).

Well, I don't know about you, but if I can help it, at least I wouldn't want this to be my life. The older way, of feeling, touching and thinking about things, rather than being prompted by a "smart" device for everything would really mean that the future is here to be lived by robots. I'd rather, it take a couple of decades more. But then, it could just be me...

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