Monday, March 16, 2015

Travel Inside a Black Hole

Space, Time, Stars, Galaxies, the Universe... all have fascinated us at some point in time, and this begins right in our childhood. The recent movie Interstellar - a spectacular one - brought the intrigue of these dimensions well to enthrall thousands.

In keeping with the theme for that, surely one has wondered what it might be like to travel into a black hole. Well, thanks to the movie, and the folks at, here's a short lesson. Enjoy the journey!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

[TED] Beverly + Dereck Joubert: Life lessons from big cats

"Beverly + Dereck Joubert live in the bush, filming and photographing lions and leopards in their natural habitat. With stunning footage (some never before seen), they discuss their personal relationships with these majestic animals — and their quest to save the big cats from human threats."

The footage is stunning, and is the result of years of being out there. It's definitely anyone who cares for nature must watch.

(Source: TED)